Need help with managing your Internet number resources or APNIC account?
Chat one-on-one with us for all your queries on APNIC services including:
- Membership or resource applications
- Resource transfers
- MyAPNIC access
- IPv6
- Reverse DNS
- Whois updates
- Voting
- Fellowships
- Training
- Technical Assistance
- APNIC account details

Our Hostmaster team will also be available for private consultations. Please use the link below to register.
Hostmaster Consultation booking
APNIC Member Services
Get the latest on how APNIC is improving user experience.
Join us for the APNIC Products and Services session to find out how APNIC is working to improve your experience using our products and services.
APNIC Products and Services
Join here
Tuesday, 28 February 2023 | 13:30 to 15:00 (UTC +10:00)
Too busy to call us? Visit the Help Centre for more assistance and information.
We’d like your feedback!
During the conference you can have a chat with Lily from APNIC where you can:
- Provide feedback on any of APNIC's services
- Take part in some quick user research activities
- Talk to us about any new suggestions or ideas for future improvements
If you do take part in some of our quick user research activities, you will receive some APNIC goodies and go into the draw to win a US $100 virtual gift card.
You don’t need to make a booking, just head to the Member Services desk where Lily will be available.